Saturday, August 30, 2008

I´m a Working Girl!

So, I have officially survived my first two weeks of work. Such a great feeling. So far I am loving both of my jobs so much --- I feel so blessed to be in two places where I feel as though I fit. I´m slowly coming to understand my roles in each place, learning more about my coworkers and all of the kids that I work with.

The afterschool program Semillas de Mostaza has been such a joy. Carolyn, Colie, Sylvia (one of our Rostro employees), and I make such a great team. The kids have really started responding to us more and more and every day I learn more about their personalitites, the activities that really grab their attention, and how to provide the best structure and discipline. It´s a process for sure, but I am loving all of it. And boy how we have grown. The first day at Semillas we had only about 20 kids. This Thursday, I almost died when I counted 50 kids. I hope that they all continue to come and to bring their friends. The more the merrier. Soon, we will also be starting community outreach to try and tell more parents and kids about the program. I am so excited to see how the program grows and changes in the next year.

An observation: working with boys is so great. I was kind of nervous coming in to both of my jobs, considering that most if not all of my experience has been working with little girls. But, I love the feeling of learning something new everyday and of having to try new techniques all of the time. The energy I have to bring is so different and our interactions are different too. Slowly but surely I am becoming more confident. Already after only a few weeks these boys have won me over. I enjoy playing with them, talking with them, teaching them . . .

Oh yeah! I started my English class this past week. It went great . . . bigger than I had expected. I have 17 boys, some of them absolutely huge, between the ages of 13 and 18 in grades 8 and 9. They are all so excited to learn English and even though we have only had 1 class are already asking me and Danny questions about English. I really like being able to share my language with them and to hopefully empower them to learn beyond the classroom setting. My experience teaching English before in El Salvador has definitely prepared me for this year. I feel so comfortable planning lesons, speaking in front of the class, and realized how many tools I walked in with. If any of you have good ideas for activities or lessons that would teach some great English and keep teenage boys engaged and in control - send them my way.

Thank you again to all of you who have sent emails and letters. I cannot even express how wonderful it has felt to hear from you. I will do my best to stay in contact as well . . . at least through this blog. I look forward to hearing from you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as always.

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